Bravery, Courage, War, Victory, Strength…. The little guy. The underdog. These concepts are all key to the Australian experience. These are only some of the values that define Australians. After the war, poets like Banjo Patterson, were trying to lift peoples spirts, as one of the best ways to excape from reality is through litreture. This was one of the best times for Australian poets as people wanted a way out, some ulternate universe where everything ends in a happily ever after. One of the later poets, Bruce Dawe saw this and reflected this in his poems, Life-cycle and homosuburbiences. He did this by portraying a man in homosuburbiences, who retreats to his garden, taking all his worries with him. ‘One constant in a world of variables’, Dawe writes. There are many reasons for a man to retreat to his ‘garden’ one of these reasons is because the world is changing to fast, as it did when the war took place. This is also showen in Life-cycle as Dawe writes, ‘They will not grow old as those from more northern States grow old, for them it will always be three- quarter-time with the scores level and the wind advantage in the final term’. By this I beleve he is refereing to the whole ‘if you support this team you will not grow old, in other words sport is just another way to cheat death.
One of the main themes is the Australians see themselves as the ‘Little Guy.’ The person who nobody expects to become anybody important in life.
As depicted in ‘The Man from Snowy River.’
‘A stripling on a small and weedy beast, a racehorse undersized.’
However the man from Snowy River does the unexpected
When they reached the mountains summit, even Clancy took a pull. The hidden ground was full of wombat holes, and any slip was death. But the man from Snowy River let the pony have its head. He raced down the mountain like a torrent down its bed. While the others stood and watched in very fear. And he ran him single-handedly. He turned their heads for