Attention-Getter: Good morning. How is everyone doing today? If you were caught in a wildfire would you think to start a smaller more controlled fire in a line or circular pattern to deplete the fuel source of the oncoming blaze? In this case the term fighting fire with fire is being used literally but there are other cases where this phrase isn’t so literal. Some vaccinations use the same virus that caused the ailment to treat the patient. This is an interesting concept that can be an effective method used for different aspects of life.
Blueprint: Today I am going to talk about corporal punishment in Desoto county schools, punishable offenses, and the golden rule.
Transition: Corporal punishment is an effective method with quick results that gets the student and teacher back in the classroom where they can get back to teaching and learning. Other disciplinary actions may include suspension which keeps the child out of the classroom.
I. Corporal punishment is currently being used in Desoto county schools to discourage and/or prevent negative behavior.
A. According to Katherine Nelson, Director of Community Relations for Desoto County Schools, in an article in the Desoto time’s tribune, she said, “Corporal punishment is part of how the system keeps its students on track and learning. It is a deterrent to discourage or prevent negative behavior. It keeps the schools in order and lets our teachers have an orderly classroom, which is a benefit to all the students’ ability to learn. Our goal is for the students to learn, but when they disrupt the classroom or misbehave in a punishable manner, there has to be a consequence.” Without corporal punishment I feel like kids wouldn’t care about the consequences of their actions and misconduct would be more frequent.
B. I agree that there has to be a consequence for negative behavior, but it must be administered in a professional and