Next, I would start stating random words that would start saying how I deserve this spot like how I'm so determined or responsible to achieve such a position in student government and why you guys should vote for me. Don't get me wrong, it's that I maybe do have some of those special qualities, but to be honest, you guys all know that I'm just flattering myself in front of you guys. I'll just state the obvious that we're all in high school in the freshman grade. We all have tons of homework and things to do than to worry about another set of student representative assignments. I'm willing to give up my time and give less quality on my homework -shh- to help you guys and have a better high school life.
Ultimately, my goal is to become “an instrument capable of transforming sound waves into changes in electric currents or voltage, used in recording or transmitting sound.” Source: If you translate that into English, it would be something close to a microphone... And then to your student government representative. So vote for me, May Sugano, to become your student representative.
Thank you.