Domestic Violence is violence or physical abuse directed toward your spouse or partner, usually its violence by men against women
Domestic Violence or DV is about power and control over a spouse.
The three main types of Domestic Violence are Physical, Emotional, and Economic (financial)
The first kind of domestic violence that we will be talking about is physical violence. Physical violence involves a person using physical force which causes harm to spouse. For example: biting, slapping, pushing and throwing objects. There are usually visible signs such as bruises, broken bones and scars
Now the second type of domestic violence that we will be talking about is Emotional abuse. The main aim of emotional abuse is to chip away the person’s feelings of self-worth and importance. Until there is a feeling of that there is no way out, pure helplessness and that they deserve the abuse. Some examples of emotional abuse are verbal put downs, isolation, name calling and bullying
Although there is no scares and bruises like physical abuse it doesn’t mean that it isn't any less painful.
And final the last kind of domestic violence that we will be talking about is financial or economical abuse financial abuse is someone controlling your money and keeping you financially dependent on them, therefore making fleeing the abuse difficult, if not impossible. An example of this would be the abusers money is his money and the partner having to ask for money for the essentials. Like for the groceries and food.
It usually occurs because of a lack of self-control and lack of respect of the other party. It could be the result of someone who abuses alcohol or drugs. There are many reasons why it occurs, none of which are acceptable.
A simple way that this is explained is though the cycle of abuse as you can see on the board it begins with the explosion, this is the attack or abuse whether this be physical or emotional than after this