Terrorism cannot be justified.
Close your mind.
Close your eyes.
See with your heart.
How do you forgive the murderer of your father?
These are just four lines from a song by Lupe Fiasco called “American Terrorist”. It might be just a song but can you really answer that question? - How do you forgive the murderer of your father? - If you can’t forgive the murderer of your father than terrorism is not justifiable.
My name is Liliya and I will be persuading you that terrorism cannot be justified. What is terrorism? The dictionary definition of terrorism - is a use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims. That might seem - ok, I fight for what I stand for. While I’m talking think about broken lives.
Terrorism is not just in Middle East. A lot of people might think that because of what happened on 9/11 and other stuff. Terrorism also occur in America long time before 9/11. Let’s go back in time. To the 1900s. The KKK. I’m sure you guys know about them. So let me tell you the brief history of KKK.
KKK stands for Ku Klux Klan. They were just a bunch of southerners. They were southerners who didn’t like the fact that Abraham Lincoln took away their slaves. They didn't like that and thought it was wrong. They want to keep the slaves because obviously the slaves would do work for them. So the fact that they have no slaves and slaves got their freedom - they were mad and they want to get back at them. So the bunch of young southerners decided to make their own group. The goal of that group was to get back at African Americans. So what they did - they rampage on areas, on communities where there were black americans and they kill them. If they see a black american walking down the street - bang - they’re dead. If they see them in a car - bang - they’re dead. They were trying to get back at them - even if it wasn't their fault. That is an act of terrorism.
There also are children involved in terrorism. Have you ever heard of terrorism in