Using the case titled “Spin Master: Turning fun into opportunities”, please answer the following questions:
1. Describe the key decisions that Harary, Rabie and Varadi faced in the start-up of their company. Looking at the decision environment, were these more programmed or non-programmed decisions types? [2.5 marks]
2. As a result of Spin Master’s success, what decision errors and traps might be a problem for them in the future? [2 marks]
Formatting [0.5 mark]
Important points to remember about your submission:
Times New Roman 12pt.
Stapled (marks will be deducted if the assignment is not stapled)
Do not exceed 2 pages
Do not include a title page
The assignment must be submitted to Turnitin by the deadline (see turnitin submission process below)
The heading on the first page must include your complete name, student number, section number, name of the assignment, turnitin confirmation number and name of professor.
The deadline for the hard-copy submission in class: Thursday, September 26, 2013 by the end of class. Late submissions will be penalized.
Turnitin submission process
Click on the Assignments folder in Blackboard:
Select the correct assignment (i.e. Mini-assignment #1) for your section.
Select 'file upload' to submit your paper from the drop down menu.
Select your name from the drop down menu.
Your first name and last name will automatically populate the name fields.
Enter the correct assignment name (e.g. Mini-assignment #1).
Upload your file and click submit
Save the emailed receipt for your records and include your turnitin confirmation number on your hard copy to be submitted in class.