Spin Master Toys (A): Finding A Manufacturer for E-Chargers
1.) Executive Summary: • Spin Master Toys core competencies are marketing and bringing creative toys to market. • Alex Perez should choose Wah Shing and utilize their core competencies of manufacturing electronic toys. • Electronic components can be difficult to acquire therefore Wah Shing’s relationships with suppliers will be beneficial. • Speed to market is key, therefore Wah Shing has the best capabilities to meet Spin Master delivery commits • Building long-term supplier relationship with Wah Shing is imperative if Spin Masters decides to stay in the electronic toy industry.
2.) My assessment of the process Spin Masters has used to get to this point is, they are really good at developing good relationships with retailers, investors and have in-depth knowledge of research and development of various toys. Spin Masters has expertise in developing low technology “fad” toys and distributing them to retailers quickly. Spin Masters lacks engineering and manufacturing capabilities and therefore it’s necessary to outsource both. The company used their own “grassroots marketing” campaigns to stimulate interest in their toys. Spin Master’s has a “botched” process when it comes to the manufacturing and delivery of their toys. This end process appears to always be a “scramble” especially as they enter the electronic toys market. Since electronic toys are new to Spin Master, they should have utilized an early supplier involvement strategy. A company like Wah Shing early on could help them with the engineering and development from an early stage and then manufacture the plane for Spin Master Toys. Spin masters is good at marketing and bringing creative toys to market, whereas a company like Wah Shing has expertise in engineering and manufacturing of electronic toys. In short, it’s best to take one company's weaknesses and mate them up with another company’s core