Chapter One: Supplier Development.
1.1: Definitions of Supplier development.
1.2: Organizational structures that support the Supplier development scheme.
1.3: Objectives of entering into a partnership with Suppliers
1.4: The role of Leadership in supporting Supplier Development.
Chapter Two: Implementing the Supplier Development scheme.
2.1: Achieving Commonality of purpose: Resolving differences between suppliers and customers.
2.2: Performance Metrics for measuring the scheme.
2.3: Achievements recorded by both parties.
2.4: What are the risks, cost & benefits for each organization in the supplier development initiative?
2.5: Lessons Learnt
2.6: Conclusion
Organizations rely heavily on suppliers for components/materials which serve as inputs in the manufacture of products and services. Any disruption in supply has dire consequences for the original equipment manufacturer (OEM).
This dependency stems from the fact that the OEM wants to run profitably in a highly competitive environment by providing products and services to ever demanding customer at the right time, quality and price. This means getting it right the first time during product design and developmental stage, hence reducing waste and cost in the latter stages of production. This has made OEM’s take a critical look at their supply network, in a bid to align the design and developmental capabilities of their company with that of suppliers and transferring their capabilities onto their suppliers, forging a strong partnership that will be mutually beneficial for both parties.
This is the crux of the “Supplier development” initiative with emphasis on the ‘Nissan-Cogent’(Nissan co-development-regeneration tool) case study; a joint venture between Nissan, its 89 suppliers and Cranfield University which seeks to
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