Purchasing and Supply Chain Project Management
The relationship between project management and purchasing and supply chain management is a significant one. The main goal of any for-profit organization is to maximize profits while minimizing risk. In today’s economy, it is especially important for organizations to create and implement processes in every aspect of the operation to ensure continued operations. Supply chain management is critical to maintaining a presence in the marketplace. According to Benton (2010), effective supply management contributes to the success of an organization by contributing to the bottom line, increasing efficiency and productivity, enhancing continuous process improvement and customer satisfaction, developing future organizational leaders, serving as an information source, and impacting the image and social policies of the organization. Effective procurement and contract management processes are essential to the long-term survival of any organization. Project management is a process designed to review projects and predict as many potential issues and problems as possible and then to plan, organize and control activities to ensure the project is completed as successfully as possible regardless of the risks (Miller, 2008). Project management begins even before the actual project begins and may continue beyond the project completion when the project goes into maintenance mode. A successful organization will have project managers who fully understand the role and significance of project management, procurement, and supply chain management. This paper will look at procurement and contract management and the importance to the business world, RFP selection tools and how to improve the assessment of proposals, procurement planning and
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