As many of you may know from all the buzz and excitement Catholic Schools/ Spirit week is fast approaching its due date . Now being under the new prinicipal Mrs.Richie Green many CHS Goers are skeptical about the outcome of this year. Our news team was there to get some feedback .A Tenth Grader had this to say. “ I Believe that it will be hard for mrs. Richie green to top last years spirit week. It was awesome..but..we’lll see” . A twelfth grader also had something to say ,” Im not worried about topping last years spirit week. I just want to have fun. We haven’t had a dance at CHS For two years so im excited. Also it’s a plus that I get to dunk teachers. I cant wait boy.”
Mrs. Richie green has told our news team that this years spirit week is carnival themed, with a bouncing castle, dunk tank, carnival themed games , deliscious treats , and a dance at the end. BUT We have got one question for our new principal…Will There Be Clowns!?! Well CHS Students, clowns or not this years spirirt week sounds very promising and loads of fun. Our question for you is…Will You be there? So tune in next month when we answer this VERY Important question. CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK. FUN OR FAIL?
Ask “A” is a column designed where CHS Students sumbit questions and our team answers them , providing information and advice.(all questions can be turned into the computer lab to mrs.rumpersuad. for those who don’t know who she is . shes the lady behind the monitor that’s never smiling. you cant miss her. She’s a ray of sunshine.)
Teacher of the month is selected after many sleepless and after a extensive process of compairing and elimination. SOOOO Without Further A Due …Teacher Of The Month is ……..*Drum Roll*
MRS.FOWLER from the Language arts department and 11S Homeroom Teacher.
HOW To Survive Highschool Tip Of The Day