Explore a range of texts to investigate to what extent is it true, referring to public attitude and describing how you and others adapt to spoken language for specific purposes speaker one when speaking to speaker two starts with only phonetic representation with the word you (‘u’) but as he sinks into the conversation he then goes on to use carious language devices like omission when he says ‘gdgd’ instead of good good, he also uses initials when saying ‘OMG’ and ‘LMAO’. This would suggest the two are new friends and person one use little text language at first to see how speaker two will react and how he uses text devices. As we can see speaker to replies with the use of shared lexis and initials. This seems to open the conversation for person one as we see how familiar he actually is with text language. We could work out from this that person to has a lack of interest; he says that he is on ‘fb’ which is initials meaning Facebook. This could show the …show more content…
lack of interest as he could be using all these text devices so it will only take a matter of moments to send a message back to speaker one.
Speaker two says ‘Aight’ instead of alright or etc. Which is shared lexis; this could suggest that the two are friends that live in the same: area, town or maybe the same street. He could of said something along the lines of hiya or wats up (which is omission) but instead he chooses ‘aight’ this I believe was done on purpose. He will have done this because the other person will be his friend and will understand the phrase ‘Aight’ this could also be because he is trying to speak to him as he would if they were stood speaking face to face and represent their true friendship. This was what john Humphries’ was trying to get across, that and I quote ‘raping our vocabulary’. His thought that these words would be transferred onto our emails, our school work, or letters and etc. his thoughts that speaker two saying ‘did ya see da’ instead of ‘did you see the’ and once again I quote from his text ‘is fogging our brains like cannabis’ but it is of course shared lexis once again possible representing a real conversation like a phone call of an actually real chat. There could be the possibility that he is in fact a complete idiot and his inability to be able to spell when txting his ‘buddy’ would reflect onto his work at school at work or at home which proves again I quote ‘used by a young generation that doesn’t care about standards’
There was capitalisation used when ‘OMG’ and ‘LMAO’, I believe this could have been used subconsciously because of his familiarity with using text language. This could show his knowledge and understanding of texting devices. There is the other possibility that his phone is set to do that automatically by the reader his self so that it shows his devotion to text language and how possibly he doesn’t care. There is the chance that he put it in there to ethicise the point he is making; that how funny he actually finds this piece of text or maybe not at all. Text langue like capitalisation with words like ‘OMG’ (which is also initials) although they appear to ethicise a point, they really don’t have that effect of the person that said it. There is also initials used which could be used to show that the reader is physical ‘LMAO’ing or to just advertise the point of this guy shouting
During the conversation with what we are to believe is his/her mother the reader only uses ‘Ta’, (which is shared lexis) this is the only text devise used within two text messages this will suggest the formality between the two.
Shared lexis might also show that there is a bit of informality between the two and that not every word he speaks to her is precise and accurate. This would also suggest that they speak in the same accent and use the same words as each other so he was typing like that to try and speak like they would normally do when they face to face conversation. This could be down to the fact that this person knows only the simplest text language and in order for her to understand and him have the ability to write in a language he feels comfortable with he has to use basic text languages. This could be the use of convergence because he uses the simplest of text language that can be easily understood by his mother but also allowing him to be able to use text
Reader one uses ‘wot’ (which is phonetic representation) this could have been used because reader one starts to get angry with the way his mother is speaking to him i.e. she says ‘don’t forget to lock the door this time’ as if he was an idiot or perhaps she is just a worried mother trying not to think her son is growing up. This could have been used because he is so familiar with text language that he naturally started to type like that to her, this could relate to the John Humphrey’s point about ‘used by a young generation that doesn’t care about standards’. He could of simply used it because he was in a rush and he is in fact out walking the dog and just simply wants to get on with what he is doing and not spend every five minutes texting reader 3 or there is the possibility that he has gone out without locking the door and he is just playing along as if he had locked the door. This is probably using divergence and deliberately trying to get his mother of his case about the locking of the incident. At this previous time he could be with his friends and he has just spoken in that way because he wants to sound cool and feel big around his friends when he shows them what he has texted his mother.