
'Spring' By Adelma M. Hills

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'Spring' By Adelma M. Hills

School of Social Sciences and Psychology

Disciplines of Social Science


© University of Western Sydney, 2012
Template Designer: Adelma M. Hills
Template Author: Martin Daly

101556‐The Geographies of Social Difference


UNIT WEEKLY SCHEDULE .................................................................................................... 2
1.0 UNIT DETAILS, STAFFING, AND HELP .............................................................................. 3
1.1 Unit details ........................................................................................................................ 3
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(2007) “Consciously constructing exclusivity in the suburbs? Unpacking a master planned estate development in western Sydney”, Geographical Research, 45(3), 300‐313.
Lewis, P.F. (1979) Axioms for reading the landscape, in The Interpretation of Ordinary Landscapes: Geographical
Essays, D.W. Meinig (ed.), Oxford University Press, New York, 11‐32
O’Connor, K., Stimson, R. and Daly, M., 2001. Australia’s Changing Economic Geography, Oxford University Press,
Melbourne (especially Ch. 2)
O’Neill, P. & McGuirk, P. (2002) “Prosperity along Australia’s Eastern Seaboard: Sydney and the geopolitics of urban and economic change”, The Australian Geographer, 33(3), 241‐261.
O’Neill, P. (1994) “Working Nation, economic change and the regions”, The Australian Geographer, 24(2), 109‐115.

6.3 Referencing style guide
The referencing requirement for units in Social Science is the Harvard style. Full details on the Harvard style of referencing can be found at:
A full range of resources for searching and citing references is on the UWS library
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To request an extension submit an Extension Request application to the School of Social Sciences and Psychology, as per the instructions in the ‘Social Science Students Resource Book’. If the assignment is submitted (without an approved extension) after the due date and time but before 9:00am on the following day i.e before 9am on Thursday 5th
September, it will be one day late and will occur a penalty of 10% of the weighting
(i.e., 2 marks). If submitted after 9:00am on Thursday 5th September (the day following the due date) it will be two days late and will incur a 20% penalty, and so on for each day (including weekends) it is late up to a maximum of 10 days, at which time the penalty will be 100% of what the assignment is worth. Weekends will accrue a 20% deduction. Assessments will not be accepted after the marked assessment task has been returned to students who submitted the task on time. Also see section on Extension, Special Consideration, and late assignment penalties in attached Social Science Student Resources document. The hard copy of the Workshop Report (Questions 1‐4 below) is to be

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