The simplicity and and the concept in mouse hunter make it a well compelling story that should be in the Sprit Lake Review. I felt this piece was well- written that is creative not seen in most other writing pieces. The narrative in the story is not dull, but provides well developed story that draws interest in a unique way for the audience that may for some feel it is not engaging enough compared to most other writing pieces reviewed. For me The mouse hunter provides originality, good flow, and develops personality in the character that make it well done piece. Originality is what make writing pieces stand out compared to most others and that is what the author does. The narrator describes how they are great mouse hunter, something that overlooked compared to other hunters. The author states, “Mouse hunters never gain the prestige of, oh, …show more content…
say lion hunters or crocodile hunters although rodents cause more than one billion dollars in damage in the United States, damage 20% of the world’s food crop, and are estimated to be the culprits in ¼ of fires of unknown origin each year (“Rats and Mice”). This something that draws unique to the story in which the author uses. They do not set them selves out to be a great whale hunter or any beast of the world that set fear to humans, but a mouse hunter, which sets this story very different compared to others. The narrator is set up Wisconsin where it can feel relatable and how the narrator views their mouse hunting skills as an form art that they feel is significant in helping other with rat issues, such as when the narrator goes to help Noni with the rat problem and how they approach with issues like surveying the environment and using night vision goggles to hunt the mice.
Good flow is presented in this piece where it does no take the reader to to many settings that can draw confusion. It starts from bar and then it goes to Jim Swonger’s house. It does not shift audience to much provides a simple set-up to and ending without using choppy wording that can disrupt the flow of the story. The piece does not go away from the focus of the story allowing it keep the it needs to reach the conclusion. Way to see this how after discussing about how they learned being a mouse hunter and how they used in in their lives, it then moves into the setting at Swonger’s house. It makes a good flow without needing to much introductory details into next setting of the story.
The personality of the narrator in this story is definitely worth noting. They are seen to be motivated and love to quotes from various movie scenes as stated, “Angrily, I pointed an accusing finger at “Professor” Hendricks and exclaimed, “Professor Hendricks from the movie Gorgo!” this comes to show they aren’t lacking in films and well enjoys them which makes their character stand out more. One most significant parts of the narrator’s character is their personality shown at the end. They put the mouse they captured and killed and put them in someone else’s microwave and wonders if he can make a hat with mice pellets. This represents a cynical, strange views that add to their personality.
The mouse hunter is a piece that provides a creepy, but enjoyable experience reading that deserves a “yes” vote. It follows to be creative, good flow, and develops personality with the characters. Their Arguments are persuasive that provide no noticeable grammar errors. I feel the author should have extended more experience being a mouse hunter or to their character themselves to develop more emotion and understanding for the audience.
Word Count: 627
Prison Escape (de-champion) In this authors story “Prison Escape”, It story that does not develop enough content and lack in creativity.
It is something that should not be in the Spirit Lake review. It basic with not much to draw interest. Reading over again you notice it does not provide the hook that good writing provides. For this argument I feel this essay should not be used for the lack of creativity, lack imagery, and a weak ending.
The story provides two characters, Mitt and Sam, trying to escape the prison. This concept is not anything new seen by audiences especially since they made a well notable show “Prison Break” about breaking from a prison, but turns out to be about cats trying to escape outside of their house. It is interesting twist, but story leading up to lacked and created boring view to it that makes you want to stop reading before you get to the twist. The story consists of one setting which the prison (or house) which restricts the dynamics the story. It something that is dull and provides no interest especially theirs no twist that provide more engagement in the
The imagery in this story lacks significantly. The imagery used is very broad and generic and don use much detail are similes that can give the reader a better view. In the writing the author wrote, “Suddenly lights went on in the building. He saw the shadows of the guards through the window. Their conversation was muffled and soon he could see other lights being turned on inside the building.” This is something that dull in the imagery. Shadows of the guards could have been more description that can emotion or feeling in the story. It effects the story in which could have been more satisfying the audience to read.
Another issue in the writing is the weak ending. The ending left no strong input that could have left the reader wanting more, but instead cuts it off like there was more to the ending but deleting off leaving it to make you ponder rather than satisfied. Saying that Mitt was going to make a more devious plan, did bring much conclusion to the story and that there is going to be more instead. It is an issue that alters view of the story.
Altogether the story is set out to make a serious prison escape and tries to turn it in to a cute cat story. The idea was good as the twist, but lack of creativity, lack of imagery, and weak ending left it the story unfulfilled. The author makes their arguments persuasive and there was little error in grammar, however; the if the author works to improve better imagery and stronger endings it can be a better overall story. Due to the issues of the piece, this should be a “no” in that vote that should not make it to the Spirit lake review.
Word count: 488