I had no knowledge of how the taxes on items had come about. In order to get the British out of debt, they started to tax the American colonies instead of their own people. It is kind of like karma, they tried to better themselves but in the long run they only hurt themselves even more. There are several importance to the Stamp Act and plenty of history on it, however why isn’t it taught move heavily in schools? One thing that was extremely shocking to me, was that they were able to tax the paper before the legal documents and then again charge the person. There was specific purpose for the Stamp Act was to raise the revenue to pay the War Debt, to pay for the military presence in American colonies, and to assert British governmental authority over the American colonies; why where the American colonies paying for the British war debt and for them to take over their colony. It’s understandable that we may have helped them, however American colonies should have not been paying their debt when there is plenty of debt to be paid in the American
I had no knowledge of how the taxes on items had come about. In order to get the British out of debt, they started to tax the American colonies instead of their own people. It is kind of like karma, they tried to better themselves but in the long run they only hurt themselves even more. There are several importance to the Stamp Act and plenty of history on it, however why isn’t it taught move heavily in schools? One thing that was extremely shocking to me, was that they were able to tax the paper before the legal documents and then again charge the person. There was specific purpose for the Stamp Act was to raise the revenue to pay the War Debt, to pay for the military presence in American colonies, and to assert British governmental authority over the American colonies; why where the American colonies paying for the British war debt and for them to take over their colony. It’s understandable that we may have helped them, however American colonies should have not been paying their debt when there is plenty of debt to be paid in the American