Assignment 1
Nina Zejri 14336
Standard Chartered Bank (Pakistan) Limited Introduction
Standard Chartered Bank (Pakistan) Limited is a banking and financial services company in Pakistan and a wholly owned subsidiary of Standard Chartered. Standard Chartered Bank Pakistan operates as the largest and oldest international bank since 1863. In 2013 it marked 150th year of presence in the country. It has 116 branches in 2 cities and a workforce of over 4500 employees. It is also the first international bank to get an Islamic banking license to open first Islamic banking branch in Pakistan.
The Pakistan Credit Rating Agency (PACRA) has maintained the long term and short term ratings *AAA*(Triple A) and A1+ (A one plus) respectively in 2013. The bank’s outstanding TFC has also been given *AAA* rating.
Risk Management Framework
In order to fully implement the guidelines of the SBP on risk management, SCP(standard chartered Pakistan) has integrated enterprise wide risk management, which brings together various types of risks being faced by the entire organization. Through the risk management framework SCP desires to maintain the core risks such as credit market and liquidity risk. These arise through banks commercial activities through operational risks, reputational risk, pension risk, capital risk and strategic risk.
The basic Risk management principals followed by the bank are
1) Balancing risk and reward: Risk is taken within line of bank’s stakeholders requirements.
2)Responsibility: Risk taking is everyone’s responsibility and should be disciplined and focused.
3)Accountability: Risk is taken only by agreed authority within the framework
4)Anticipation: Bank should be aware of future risks.
5)competitive advantage: the banks wants to achieve this by effective and efficient risk management
Financial Statement (figures) for the year 2013
Profit after tax