The information that they know might be different from what’s on the test or they might not be familiar with certain information of the test since they’ve never heard of it, and so they lose points for something they had no control over. In the article ‘Standardized Testing: Good point and Bad’ Maggie says that a 5th grader she tutored didn’t know what a recipe was and if a test were to ask or mention a recipe she would be at a disadvantage, because most 5th graders know what that is. There’s no way of knowing for sure that every child being tested has the amount of background knowledge needed for the test (Margie, 1). It’s not that the students aren’t smart enough, it’s just that not all of them will know key information needed for the test. In the article ’12 Vital Pros and Cons of Standardized Testing’ it says that there isn’t a test that can address all he factors that accurately measure what’s been learned. There’s no way to adequately compare the types of knowledge that each child has about a subject especially when their environments are different and so the students are more likely to retain information most important to them. Students socioeconomic class, different cultural background, and their geographical locations all factor into ow well they would do on the test (Lombardo, 1). There’s no way students know all the information needed from the test, but this doesn’t mean they’re not smart it just means they haven’t heard of it before, and so their abilities shouldn’t be looked down on because of…
When going to school students are supposed to learn based off a curriculum, but instead they are learning based off a test. These test are meant to help students, but instead they are hurting them. Standardized test requires all test takers to answer the same questions, or a selection of questions from common bank of questions, in the same way. Also they are scored in a “standard” or consistent manner, which makes it possible to compare the relative performance of individual students or groups of students. Each state has a different name for their standardized test, for Virginia they call theirs the Standards Of Learning, SOL’s. These test are neither fair nor objective, puts pressure on the students, and it cuts off time in the school year.…
Standardized tests have existed in America since 1800s. The tests are ubiquitous attempt to measure students’ performance based on his or her ability to come up with a singular answer to multiple choice questions. A major problem with this is that all students learn differently and their ability to take the standardized test is not a valid representation. The “No Child Left Behind Act” caused a surge in the amount of standardized tests required throughout the nation. The results of these standardized testing showed that America was in the 31st position in the world in the level of education. This is reflected in our school system, which is most likely caused by the misunderstanding of the standardized testing. Standardized testing limits…
The current period of learning is being determined by standardized testing, and has become the main focus of many arguments within the education system. Students all over the United States are being subjected to standardized tests often throughout their years in school due to legislation that has been set by Government over the past several years. While there are many upsides to the reasons for these assessments, there are also negative effects of this. Students are expected to make a certain score on tests to get to where they want to go. It is an unfair advantage for people who can pay their way through their education. From Star testing in grade school to the ACT and SAT in high school, students are “taught to the test” (Meador 1). Although it does give students and teachers initiative to work for something, Standardized tests are an unfair measure of students’ thinking level and academic performance; therefore, this must be changed. Standardized Testing must be changed because they are unreasonable, inefficient, and it puts a lot of extreme pressure on both the students and the teachers.…
From showing where students, teachers, and even schools need to improve to providing stress to the students and teachers. Standardized tests do many great things for the students by allowing them to compare themselves to others and see areas needing improvement. Teachers can realize what needs a little more focus on the next year and what they taught well. Schools can realize what they may need to improve on as well. Overall, standardized tests bring very good things to students, teachers, and schools, and should be taken by everyone for their own…
A huge drawback to standardized testing is the stress it causes among students. For example, according to Dawn Neely-Randall, who has been teaching for over 24 years in Ohio schools, states that implemented tests have required 5th graders to undergo almost 8 hours of testing in just one week. One of Neely-Randalls students couldn’t handle the stress and broke down in the middle of one of the tests. Many students, including Neely-Randalls 5th graders, consider standardized tests unnecessarily…
Standardized tests are defined by W. James Popham, former president of the American Educational Research Association, as "Any test that's administered, scored, and interpreted in a standard, predetermined manner." Standardized tests have been part of school systems since the 1800`s.(Standardized) Their use skyrocketed after 2002's No Child Left Behind (NCLB) mandated annual testing in all 50 states. Standardized testing confuses some students and the amount of testing can stress them out, leaving them to get bad grades on them denying them certain things like scholarships and grants or even the ability to move up a grade level. Standardized testing should not represent the students of America competence.…
Imagine our little brothers, sisters, or even our children having hard times learning at school. Now imagine them not being able to proceed to the next level of their education because they scored low on one of their tests. Standardized testing has been around for centuries; since the 1800’s to be exact, and every year since then the average success rate in the US for students K-12 has decreased. It doesn’t take doing research on success rates to know that the world we live in today is not at the educational level it once was. School should be something people look forward to not something they dread. We should eliminate standardized testing in the US because not everyone learns the same way.…
Standardized testing has become the focus of modern school reform since the implementation of the No Child Left Behind law in 2002 (Evans 1). The act was designed to hold all public schools to a high standard of education, measured by the results of students’ test scores on statewide standardized tests. Not all students are good test takers, and not all careers require the ability to take traditional tests in order to be successful on the job. A significant number of students nowadays would care much about standardized tests. This is because students feel like they must worry about a test which directly affects their grades and ability to learn. Standardized tests place a heavy weight on students that can lead to stress, take up instruction timing, and students won’t be able to learn anything from them.…
Standardized testing is not the best way to measure how well a teacher teaches or how much a student has learned. Schools throughout the United States put their main focus on standardized tests; these examinations put too much stress on the teachers and students and cause traumatizing events.…
An American educator who was examining the British educational system once asked a headmaster why so little standardized testing took place in British schools. "My dear fellow," came the reply, "In Britain we are of the belief that, when a child is hungry, he should be fed, not weighed" (Bowers 1). Even though this quote can be construed as being comical and light-hearted, the anecdote suggests the obvious question: "Why do we do so much standardized testing in the United States?" Standardized testing places incredible amounts of stress on teachers and school administrators, as well as the students taking the tests who are afraid that if they don't pass this exam, they might not be able to graduate. Standardized testing does not take in to…
Standardized testing has a detrimental and counterproductive effect on kids in the traditional education setting. It objectifies kids and ranks them according to an arbitrary scale that is not customized to fit individual students and their disparities in learning styles. There is significant evidence and numerous studies that show standardized testing's negative effects on grade school level students. Other methods should be investigated and pursued instead of proctoring standardized tests to ensure that students are being educated to their full potential. Several methods can be put in place to replace standardized testing including stealth assessment, a sampling test method, or written performance descriptions,…
Standardized testing should not be used in schools for three reasons. First of all, standardized testing scores don’t provide a true picture of a student's learning or learning progress ability. Whitby High School says how people wrongly assume that standardized testing provides natural…
Standardized testing is good in theory but in reality it is causing many problems. The…
As an Early Childhood teacher I believe the purpose of using the standardized test with preschool age children is to measure the child's developmental levels, characteristic, skills or tasks with peers similar age or grade level peers. When it comes down to standardized test its all about the childs, the test and uses of the test. In regards to the scenario, I will take the position as a teacher who is caught with the dilemma between parents and standardized testing and I will asking them question such as "What is important here, your child education or your feelings? Do you think your child will do well in kindergarten without to much problem? What is best for your child and their education?, to come up with an agreement. I will asked these…