
Standards And Expectations In 1984 By George Orwell

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Standards And Expectations In 1984 By George Orwell
From the youngest of ages it starts and is a part of our lives until we ultimately live no longer. What is this? Standards and expectations are what are being described. Looking at a five-year-old, we expect nothing of them except the bear minimum of effort. But, when is it that a switch is flipped and it is no longer satisfactory to not try or try without success? When is it that these standards are set? This is a complicated question revealing an even more complicated answer. Expectations are things that are a part of everyone’s life no matter who they are. The only difference with these expectations is the amount set upon people- some having more and others having less. These standards and expectations hold us accountable as humans. Society …show more content…
These children are without proper supervision and left to do as they please on their own accord. Throughout the books progression we see how these children live up to the standards set upon them by the situation that they find themselves in. A fantastic quote that can be held in relation to the book is from George Orwell’s A Collection of Essays, saying, “Society has always seemed to demand a little more from human beings than it will get in practice.” The rules and stigmas along with social norms of life change depending upon the situation that we find ourselves in. Unequivocally, society expects more of people then we are sometimes able to produce. This can be seen in the book with Ralph being the leader he believes he needs to be, Piggy’s bullying leading to his eventual demise, and Jack trying to become a leader. Golding purposely left these examples of characters not fulfilling their potentials to the greatest extent, showing that this is something not always feasible. Because of this, society has and will continue to demand more then it will actually get. Great things are expected of great people, but the given expectations are not always …show more content…
When someone takes up a responsibility or leadership position it is not uncommon for him or her to lead depending upon how they feel would benefit the majority of people. This is exactly what can be seen with Ralph throughout the book in terms of his position as chief. As soon as it was concluded that there are no adults on the island alongside them, the children become chaotic. This realization led to disarray between the children, who for the first time were able to enjoy the sense of freedom and free will available to them. Out of the shambles of these children emerged two characters- Ralph and Piggy. Ralph became the child outspoken enough to take on a position of power, whereas Piggy was the one with the intelligence and sense feeding information and ideas to Ralph. They came to the consensus that for a functioning society to exist upon the island, a

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