Starbucks Coffee Company is the leading retailer, roaster and brand of specialty coffee in the world. The goal of Starbucks is to establish the company as the premier purveyor of the finest coffee in the world while maintaining the organization's uncompromising principles. In addition, Starbucks wants to develop its brand beyond being the preferred outlet from which to purchase coffee to becoming the preferred consumer brand.
The coffee company has capitalized on the new found popularity of specialty coffee with its addition of coffee bars globally. Starbucks Common Stock increased from $3.31 per share in 1994 to $10.00 per share by the mid 1990's. Despite the success of Starbucks, the company is faced with many challenges to continue the growth of its business. The key strategic problem that Starbucks faces is maintaining the quality of their brand while leveraging the brand image and going into different sales and distribution channels. SWOT Analysis
1. Is the leader in specialty coffee industry (p7).
2. Its commitment to quality (p7), values (p8), & principles (8).
3. Its policy toward its employees (pgs 8, 17).
4. Its openness to innovation
a. Pepsi-Coal Frappuccino.
b. Distinct Roasting equipment and process. (longer shelf life; p10)
c. AOL Café.
5. Worldwide resources for coffee beans.
a. 50% from Latin America.
b. 35% from Pacific Rim.
c. 15% from E. Africa.
d. SB trains exporters.
6. Supply Chain Operation (SCO)
7. Page 11:
a. Its coffee.
b. Employees.
c. Merchandising.
d. Ownership philosophy.
e. Real estate approach. (Location, building, & cluster strategies)
f. Image.
8. Extensive training for Starbucks' "baristas" (employees).
9. Mall kiosk program.
10. Its Brand image.
11. Key specialty sales partners (p14).
12. Diverse distribution channels. Such as:
a. Grocery chains.
b. Dreyers.
c. Pespi-Cola.
d. Kiosks.
e. Airlines.
13. "Encore" mail order program (p16).