State universities are a better education choice than community colleges. At a community college, the highest degree you can obtain is an Associates Degree, or a specific Certificate. Although community colleges are more cost efficient for a good education you must pay the price, and a state university is the way to go. State universities give you more opportunity for expanding your education and going further in whatever you chose to study in. Through facts it seems that the attraction rate for a student to attend a four year college is far greater than a student wanting to attend a community college. 39% of students at community colleges who intended to pursue bachelor’s degrees left school without completing a degree or certificate program 17% of students at four year public colleges left school without completing a degree.
In community colleges you’re more limited when it comes to getting any higher degree than an associates, until you chose to transfer to a university. Community colleges also let anyone take any class at the school, where as a state university picks a limited amount of people they would like to represent their school and community. The fact that not just anyone can get into a university means that the classes are less impacted, while at a community college, anyone can sign up for a class you might need that could make a difference in you graduating or being there an extra semester, or even an extra year depending on when it is offered next.
Another pro to going to a university is the real “college experience”, which includes campus housing. Community colleges typically do not offer any sort of official campus housing, which all state universities offer. This can