I’ve chosen to write in an creative style, displaying the view of a victim in a school shooting. The prompt I have chosen to talk about, is “No matter the conflict, there are always few winners”. This allows me to express my ideas in a logical order while allowing the readers to gain the perspective of the scene. I have chosen to write using formal language by talking in first person and using words like “I” or “We” as an attempt to demonstrate a inclusive and creative piece. By writing in the views of a victim, it allows me to connect with the audience on a more emotional level. Furthermore, my use of first-person perspective aims to add credibility to my writing.
Throughout my creative writing, I’ve related the image to a variety of school shootings, but more specifically the Columbine massacre in 2001 which ended in disaster with the loss of many. I’ve related my piece specifically to Students and teenagers as a vast majority fail to realise how severely your life can change instantly one disaster. The picture I have used, displays grave stones of a group of students. Within my writing, I try and empathise the example of how precious life is, as instantly, a large group of people from the image had be torn out of this world side and use the shooting as example of how it made people realise how valuable their lives are, as another day can never be guaranteed for them and the days that we have on this planet, should be days that we spend with friends and family showing appreciation for on another. By talking from the views of a victim in the shooting, it helps the readers understand how their situation was and overall how lucky they are to be here today.
By using the context “It only takes one form of conflict to determine who we become”, my writing piece helps explore the context as it talks about how this specific victim was faced with a severe form of conflict, one that could have had the potential to end his life,