Statistics, we focus on many improvements in the text, driven largely by recommendations from dedicated users and others who teach business statistics. In their reviews, these professors suggested ways to improve the book by maintaining the
Excel feature while incorporating MINITAB, as well as by adding new content and pedagogy, and by updating the source material. Additionally, there is increased emphasis on good applications of statistics, and a wealth of excellent real-world problems has been incorporated in this edition. The book continues to attempt to instill a deep understanding of statistical methods and concepts with its readers.
The seventh edition, like its predecessors, retains its global emphasis, maintaining its position of being at the vanguard of international issues in business. The economies of countries around the world are becoming increasingly intertwined. Events in Asia and the Middle East have direct impact on Wall Street, and the Russian economy’s move toward capitalism has immediate effects on Europe as well as on the United
States. The publishing industry, in which large international conglomerates have acquired entire companies; the financial industry, in which stocks are now traded around the clock at markets all over the world; and the retail industry, which now offers consumer products that have been manufactured at a multitude of different locations throughout the world—all testify to the ubiquitous globalization of the world economy.
A large proportion of the problems and examples in this new edition are concerned with international issues. We hope that instructors welcome this approach as it