This statistical analysis is of a randomly selected sample of 300 from the 2010 version of the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) database1. The selected study on the length of time since last routine checkup was listed under the SAS Variable Name – CHECKUP1.This data set specified how long it had been since the respondent had been in for a routine checkup, defining routine checkup as a general physical exam. There were nine possible responses and of the nine responses only four were within the selected 300 sample: within past year, within the past 2 years, within the past 5 years and 5 years or more. For the purposes of this analysis the responses were group to wither the respondent had had a routine checkup in the last year and wither the respondent had not had a routine checkup in the last year. Also used in the statistical analysis was the BRFSS data on the gender of respondents under the SAS Variable Name – SEX. The SEX data set only sampled wither the respondent was male or female. Of the 300 sample data only 297 was used to make a unique data set. This analysis focuses on three variables all of which are categorical: sex, yearly checkups, and no yearly checkups as seen in table 1. The purpose of the statistical analysis was to determine wither females are more likely than males to have a yearly checkup. This question arises from my father and several uncles refusal to see a doctor when something isn’t obviously wrong.
For this analysis to be valid the frequency of female and male respondents must be relatively even or 50/50. The frequency of the female respondents was 169, and the frequency of male respondents was 128 with a total of 297 respondents as shown in table 2. This does not easily show that the frequency of males to females is even. However the relative frequency of female respondents was 56.9 percent