Control Charts for Individual Measurements
Cumulative-Sum control charts
Control Charts for Large Sample
Statistical Process Control - Part II
IE 330, Spring 2013,
Instructor: Yu-Ching Lee
March 14, 2013
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Process Capability Assessment
Control Charts for Individual Measurements
Cumulative-Sum control charts
Control Charts for Large Sample
Use of the histogram
Process Capability Indices
Statistical Assignment of Tolerances
Loss Function Approach
. Process Capability
Recall that we compared the two different ideas—Product conformance v.s. Control of the process—in our previous lecture slides.
Product conformance issue is also referred to as the process capability. One should never place the engineering specifications on a control chart, since such would wrongly suggest that tracking a quality characteristic is related to the engineering specifications. Although the two issues are completely different, they are linked in the sense that it is impossible to assess process capability without being reasonably assured of having good statistical control.
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Process Capability Assessment
Control Charts for Individual Measurements
Cumulative-Sum control charts
Control Charts for Large Sample
Use of the histogram
Process Capability Indices
Statistical Assignment of Tolerances
Loss Function Approach
. Process Capability
If a process is in statistical control but not capable of meeting the specifications, the problem may be one of the following: .
1 The process is off-center from the nominal.
. The process variability is too large relative to the tolerance/specification. .
3 Both of the above.
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Process Capability Assessment
Control Charts for Individual Measurements
Cumulative-Sum control charts
Control Charts for Large Sample
Use of the histogram
Process Capability Indices
Statistical Assignment of Tolerances
Loss Function Approach
References: N. L. Johnson and F. C. Leone generalized the cusum charts to Poisson and binomial random variables as well as for testing for shifts in variance and range. N. L. Johnson and F. C. Leone, Cumulative Sum Control Charts: Mathematical Principles Applied to Their Construction and Use, Parts I, II and III, Industrial Quality Control, Vol. 18, No. 12, Vol. 19, No. 1, and Vol. 19, No.2, 1962. 127 / 127