Estimate Std. Error z value Intercept 15.2954317 7.3280842 2.088 Temperature -0.2360002 0.1073615 2.198 a. What is the fitted logistic regression equation for predicting the log(odds) of an O-ring failure?
b. If the temperature at launch was 63 F, what are the estimated odds of an O-ring failure?
c. What is the probability of an O-ring failure at 63 F?
d. What is the 95% confidence interval estimate of the true slope β1 ?
2. A research project studied the physical properties of wood materials constructed by bonding together small flakes of wood. The two factors considered were the size of the flakes and species of tree. The sizes of the flakes were S1: 0.15 inches by 2 inches and S2: 0.25 inches by 2 inches, and the species of tree used were aspen, birch, and maple. For each combination of flake size and tree species, three samples of wood material were constructed. For each sample, the physical property measured was the tension modulus of elasticity in the direction perpendicular to the alignment of the flakes, in pounds per square inch (psi). For these data, a two-way ANOVA was run and the partial ANOVA table is given below: df SS MSS F p value Source Size 157.44 .613 7256 Species Size∗ Species 41707 Error 12262 Total 17 206664 a. Fill in the blanks b. In the ANOVA table, the test for the main effect of size has a P-value of 0.613. What does this indicate? i. The effect of particle size probably varies considerably for the different species. ii. For about 61.3%of the samples, there was a difference in