Charts and Graphs
Statistics is the science of data. A first step in the study of statistics is the examination of data. Chapters 2 and 3 present several techniques for reducing data so that it is more manageable. In addition, graphic displays are essential to understand and interpret complex sets of data in order to be able to make business decisions easier. Chapter 2 discusses and displays several graphical tools including the histogram, frequency polygon, ogive, dot plot, bar char, pie chart, and Pareto chart for single variable data and the scatter plot for two variable numerical data.
Data Analysis in Excel
Many of the statistical techniques presented in this text can be performed in Excel using a tool called Data Analysis. To access this feature, select the Data tab along the top of an Excel worksheet. If the Data Analysis feature has been uploaded into your Excel package, it will be found in the Analysis section at the top right of the Data tab page. If Data Analysis does not appear in the Analysis section, it must be added. To add in Data Analysis:
1. Click on the File tab (leftmost tab at top of page).
2. Click on Options located in the menu.
3. In the Excel options dialog box, click on Add-Ins next to the bottom of the left menu. A screen of add-ins will appear.
4. Click on Analysis ToolPak near the top of the dialog box and then click on Go… at the bottom of the page.
5. In the dialog box Add Ins, check the box to the left of Analysis ToolPak and click OK. Your Data Analysis feature is now uploaded onto your computer, and you won't have toadd it again.
Now you can bring up the Analysis ToolPak feature at any time by going to the Data tab at the top of the Excel worksheet and clicking on Data Analysis.
2.1 Frequency Distributions
The process of exploratory data analysis usually starts with graphic displays accompanied by numerical analysis. It is helpful to examine each variable individually and then study