CIS 2003
Assessment 4 – Group Project
Programme Name:
Bachelor Degree
Course Code and Name:
CIS 2003
Time Allowed: ( 3 Weeks )
Assessment Number:
LO/Goals Covered by this Assessment:
Special Instructions:
Read the entire Project.
No Outside Help is Allowed
You are Not Permitted to work with anyone else, Inside or Outside the College on the Project, other than your fellow group members
It must be the Groups Original Work
Work in Groups if 2 – 3 students
Email to your Instructor a Softcopy of the Project
A 5% Penalty will be given for each day Late
% of Final Grade:
Total Marks Available:
Student ID:
Student Section:
Result: / 70
HCT Academic Honesty Policy
Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated within the HCT. Academic dishonesty includes cheating, plagiarism (copying) or any other attempt to gain an academic advantage in a dishonest or unfair manner. Breaches of the Academic Honesty Policy will result in dismissal from HCT
Project Objectives:
To estimate the population parameters from sample statistics, using interval estimate (90%, 95% and 99% levels).
The project consists of three parts as listed below. You should carefully read the instructions. This project is Group based (2 – 3) and each Group will have different results based on the initial data generated. Make sure to include all your work in the final report submitted. You will submit your final work (Report and Spreadsheet on Bb Learn)
PART I: Sample Generation- data presentation and data summary (25 )
1. Use the Data Set provided to you by your Instructor (No Two Groups can do the Same Dataset)
2. Write down a ‘Research Problem’ (Hypothesize a question about the data – what do you want to study- which variable(s)?) 4 points Age, blood pusher
3. Summarize and present the population (mean, variance and standard deviation) : 4 points
4. Select a sample