The foundation course aims at: o Helping students acquire basic prerequisite knowledge of subjects such as statistics , accounting etc o Bring students from diverse background to a common level of preparedness o Build team spirit. o Provide opportunity understand themselves o Unlearn narrow structured thinking and open up them to system thinking / critical thinking necessary for design. o Un shackle them from inhibitions & thrive up their spirit of entrepreneurship o Familiarize them with institute norms standards and learning resources.
Course Content:
o Sessions on basic business maths, statistics , accounting fundamentals, basic IT Tools. o Training on learning resources such an EBSCO, webopac, CAPLINE, CRISINFAC, Hive portal etc. o Unlearning sessions – focus on approach to thinking , critical thinking, communications learning, (AKA – 5th Discipline) o System thinking, Design & creativity. Effective thinking
0.5 credit
H-1.1 Individual and Society:
The course provides an appreciation of how several factors both in society (shaped by external forces such as religion, sect, geographic, economic etc) influence his behaviour in organizations and in society.
This is an inter disciplinary course which integrates concepts from human social sciences, anthropology, cognitive psychology and other social science disciplines. Course Content: 1. Relevance of Social Science for Design Students, 2. Understanding India, 3. Cast in India, 4. Reservation policy gender concerns, 5. Tribal and forest rights, 6. State and democratic politics, 7. Democracy and development in India 8. Culture Identity & Media 9. India’s Development experience
1 credit
H-1.2 Organizational