Transferring vital information securely without any threat of intrusion is extremely important. Crypography and steganography, both provide security to messages. But, it would be best if both of these are combined and provide a high-level of security. Cryptography only scrambles a message into a form which can’t be understood whereas steganography hides the information in a vessel like Image, Audio or Video. In this Paper, a combination of four techniques is done to analyze the level of security provided be them when they are combined. For cryptography, Diffie-Hellman and One Time Pad cryptography are used. For Steganography, DCT and DWT based techniques are considered. It is further concluded that cryptography combined with steganography offers great potential for securing of data copyright, and detection of infringers. Soon, through a combination of cryptography and steganography, personal messages, files, all artistic creations, pictures, and songs can be protected from piracy.
KEYWORDS: Steganography, Cryptography, Diffie Hellman, One Time Pad, DCT, DWT …show more content…
DHDWT : Diffie Hellman cryptography combined with DWT based steganography
c. OTPDCT : One Time Pad cryptography combined with DCT based steganography
d. OTPDWT : One Time Pad cryptography combined with DWT based steganography
In part (a.), the secret message is to be encrypted using DIFFIE HELLMAN and then to be embedded using DCT. At receiver’s end, the encrypted form of message needs to be retrieved from the image and then it is to be decrypted using the key of Diffie Hellman. Similarly the other parts are followed.
The four techniques used are discussed below.
In 1976, after voicing their disapproval of DES and the difficulty in handling secret keys, Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman published the Diffie-Hellman algorithm for key exchange. This was the first published use of public key cryptography, and arguably one of the cryptography field’s greatest advances