Even though this image doesn’t show a king or god the artist is retelling a story of a king’s decisive moment during his victorious campaign. Last but not least is the Ambassadors Bringing Gifts to the Persian King. The Persians are giving gifts to the king. As you can tell the Warka Vase started with people giving gifts to the god and praises him but as time goes on the art starts to reflect that the people gradually started to focus more on the king and worship him more than the god himself. It went from the god’s getting gifts as shown on the Warka Vase to the Persian king receiving gifts from the
Even though this image doesn’t show a king or god the artist is retelling a story of a king’s decisive moment during his victorious campaign. Last but not least is the Ambassadors Bringing Gifts to the Persian King. The Persians are giving gifts to the king. As you can tell the Warka Vase started with people giving gifts to the god and praises him but as time goes on the art starts to reflect that the people gradually started to focus more on the king and worship him more than the god himself. It went from the god’s getting gifts as shown on the Warka Vase to the Persian king receiving gifts from the