Embryonic Stem Cell Research Is Not Ethical. Dennis P. Hollinger. At Issue: The Ethics of Genetic Engineering. Ed. Maurya Siedler. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2005.…
The topic of Embryonic stem cell research carries with it a very controversial past. Some people support it, others do not. Stem cell research costs about 42 million dollars a year, how do they afford it, by the funding of private companies. However, what happens when the money runs out? Where will they get more? Will stem cell research continue? These are the questions I will be addressing in this essay.…
The real controversy in stem cell research lays in the termination (abortion) of the embryo, which is an entirely independent debate altogether. The embryonic stem cells extracted for research are being derived from embryos that are being aborted regardless (Johansen). Therefore, there is a macrocosmic debate more powerful than the one about stem cell research itself. By harvesting these stem cells from babies predestined to abortion, at least a contribution is being made to society – one that can benefit a multitude of people, perhaps suffering from a multitude of conditions. Even if one wants to debate the ethics of stem cell research, the researchers are being ethically unethical, with regard to the abortions guaranteed to take place.…
Embryonic stem cell research is widely controversial in the scientific world. Issues on the ethics of Embryonic Stem (ES) cell research have created pandemonium in our society. The different views on this subject are well researched and supportive. The facts presented have the capability to support or possibly change the public's perspective. This case study is based on facts and concerns that much of the research done on embryonic stem cells is derived from human embryos. This case study will provide others with a more in depth view of both sides of this great debate.…
The CBHD in the same article asserts that “...some evidence suggests that stem cells cultured in the laboratory may have a tendency to recongregate and form an aggregate of cells capable of begining to develop as an embryo...If embryonic stem cells do indeed possess the ability to form or develop as a human embryo, research on such stem cells could itself involve the creation and/or destruction of human life...”(100). Thus, despite of these evidences, condoning human embryonic stem cell research would be irresponsibility. Besides, in order to determine significance of stem cell research, Goldstein asserts in his article “Providing Hope Through Stem Cell Research” that “...the grim arithmetic of most organ transplants is that those who are seriously ill wait for the tragic accidental death of another person so that they may live.”(82). From this point, stem cell is an incredible discovery yet it is unethical. However, in order not to use human embryos to harvest stem cells, the CBHD submits alternative methods and adds that “ ... a promising source of more mature stem cells for the treatment of disease is hematopoietic (blood cell- producing) stem cells from bone marrow or even from the placenta or umbilical cord blood in live births.”(100). Moreover, the CBHD also argues that “These cells are already widely…
The first task of dissecting this debate is to differentiate between the two types of stem cell research. The first is adult (also called somatic or germ-line) stem cell research and is generally accepted and endorsed by all groups. Taken from human bone marrow or other deep tissues, this type of research has already been used for years in the treatment of many diseases, most notably Leukemia. Even the Catholic Church supports adult stem cell research, going so far as to partner with certain groups to further adult stem cell research funding. The disagreement lies in embryonic stem cell research. In embryonic stem cell research, a human embryo is created and then destroyed in order to obtain the intended stem cells. The circumstances which make the embryonic cells more desirable are two-fold. First, technology for embryonic stem cell research is currently farther along than somatic cell research; and therefore, it is cheaper. The more important distinction is in the quality of the cells collected. Adult…
Every day millions of Americans across the country suffer from ailments ranging from diabetes to spinal cord injuries. However, new scientific advancements in the field of stem cell research may one day end their pain and suffering. Therefore, it is essential for Americans to support stem cell research. Unfortunately, the research has become the center of a controversy in recent years. Opponents of the research argue against the destruction of a human embryo. Proponents of the research support it because of the promise that the tiny cells show. Scientists have already coaxed the cells into forming several different tissues and even entire organisms and with continued research they may one day be able to cure a myriad of diseases.…
One of the biggest political debates of recent times is whether the government should not only allow, but appropriate funds for the research of all types of stem cells mainly the embryonic stem cell. A stem cell is a primitive type of cell that can be manipulated into developing into most of the cells present in the body. Scientists believe that the stem cell is the single most important element in the cure of many diseases, which include heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's, and some types of cancer. Stem cells can be extracted from both adults and young embryos. The differences of an embryonic stem cell and an adult stem cell in most peoples eyes are that cells can be extracted from adults for research without harm to adult, but those extracted from embryos are the result of the destruction of the embryo. Scientists believe that although adult stem cells can be helpful in the research in disease, those cells are inferior to those of a human embryo because the embryonic stem cell can developing in almost all the types of cells in the body, but the adult variety is limited in how many cells it can develop into. The Coalition for the advancement of Medical Research estimates, " stem cell research shows promise to develop cures and/or new treatments for 100 million Americans who currently suffer from a wide variety of diseases and disorders."…
Earlier this year a man was diagnosed with papillary thyroid carcinoma. A cancer that is more common in females than in males. Though a very common cancer, this one went untreated for years due to the fact that it was unknown that he even had it. Now you may be asking yourself, did the man do anything to cause the cancer? The answer to that is no, the man up until then lived a relatively healthy life. Cancer effects all of us is some way shape or form. You may know someone that is suffering right now. Someone very close to you, now what would you do if I told you that there could be a cure? Well stem cell research is breaking ground in this area…..Did you know that stem cells are the source of at least some , and perhaps all cancers. What you’re going to learn from me today is exactly what stem cell research is, how it can potentially help in treating a range of medical problems that could lead us closer to cures, the facts about the embryo’s used, and what we can do to support stem cell research.…
For some time now, stem cell research has been a major issue when it comes to ethics. “Ethics, science and religion became further intertwined with politics in the 1990’s, increasing the battles among congress, administrations, and other agencies” (Scott, 2006, p.153). Stem cell research is probably one of the most important scientific advancements in the past one hundred years.…
Few recent scientific issues have stimulated so much media attention, public debate and government involvement as that of stem cell research. Stem cells offer people hope by promising to greatly extend the number and range of patients who could benefit from transplants, and to provide novel therapies to treat debilitating diseases such as diabetes, Parkinson's, Huntington's, heart disease and stroke, as well as accidental damage such as spinal cord injury. So why would anyone object to research in this area? The problem is simply that a particular type of stem cell, which potentially could provide many cell types for a wide range of therapeutic uses, is obtained from the very early embryo. To make matters even more contentious, the same cloning technology that gave Dolly the sheep could in theory be used to tailor stem cells to the patient. Some people worry that we are taking research too far down paths that make them feel uncomfortable, others think it is downright immoral and against their deep-held, often religious, beliefs. But what are the scientific issues and why do many of us feel equally passionate that the research should be allowed?…
Stem cell research has been happening for 30 or more years through bone marrow transplants, but has only been a major debate for about the past ten years with the first isolation of embryonic stem cells (UMichigan). According to a popular issues website the definition of stem cells is, "… contrasted with "differentiated" cells. They offer much hope for medical advancement because of their ability to grow into almost any kind of cell” (Pros and Cons…). One of the main debates is between stem cell research and religious views. Some religions such as branches Christianity believe that obtaining and using embryonic stem cells is a sin and should not be used for research or otherwise. Even though I identify as a Christian, I believe that stem cells should be utilized, as long as an egg is not fertilized only for the use of stem cells.…
• specific examples of gender socialization of children at home and school – at home, consider class discussion about toys (toys teach girls and boys what their society considers “gender appropriate statuses” – such as mechanic versus homemaker – and toys teach the skills needed for those statuses) – for school, consider teacher-student interaction, career counseling, and college mentors…
This debate on embryonic stem cell research has held on over three decades. The controversy has not ended at this time. The controversy is about the work that holds immense promises from the scientific end and the opponents who view them as giving less value to human life. The most recent debate uses the very early part of development of stem cells for the potential to be alleviate conditions ranging from diabetes to Alzheimer's Disease. In 2001 the Bush Administration proclaimed a policy that permits some research with federal funds used with very strict rules. This policy has gathered little support three years later from the…
"What are adult stem cells?." Stem cell information. National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 7 June 2012. Web. 15 Sep 2013.…