Stem Cell Research and Deontology
Deontology and Stem Cell Research Stem cell research is very controversial in today’s world. Although stem cell research has the potential for curing diseases and conditions, some people view stem cell research as unethical and immoral. People do not realize that there is hope for medical advancement today because medical specialists can use stem cell research to grow practically any cells needed for sick patients. Today, I am going to tell you what deontology is, how the school of thought views stem cell research, and how deontology provides adequate guidance action for stem cell research. The deontological theory contends that right and wrong are determined by the consequences of an action. Deontologists do not negate that consequences are significant but they believe there are more relevant aspects to the moral duty of the action. Deontology mainly focuses on Immanuel Kant and W.D. Ross. Kant based his view on moral principles that define between right and wrong. He also views deontology as an act on any maxim if and only if you can will it into a universal law. Kant introduces that there are rules to determine situations and he also shares that we should never treat people as means to ends. In this way, rational beings should always treat each other as ends in themselves, never as only means. Kant believed that humans have intrinsic worth and we should act to respect the mortality for us and others. He also believed that when humans recognize their worth, they cannot see themselves being used as entities to an end. Kant also shows the importance of not actually doing the right thing, but doing things for the sense of duty for getting moral worth in return. W.D. Ross developed the prima facia obligations. These obligations are obligations that override other obligations. According to Ross, there are seven types of obligations: 1. Duties of fidelity, 2. Duties of reparation, 3. Duties of gratitude, 4. Duties of justice, 5. Duties of beneficence, 6. Duties of
Cited: Barry, Vincent, Shaw, William H. Moral Issues in Business. 10th edition. Cengage Learning. 2000.
9, March. "Eight Reasons to Applaud Action on Stem Cells." Center for American Progress. Web. 15 Mar. 2011. .
Fry-Revere, Sigrid. "Stem Cell Controversy - Citizendia." Citizendia Encyclopedia - Citizendia. Web. 15 Mar. 2011. .