Stem Cell Technology:
The Controversies surrounding Stem Cell Research
Whether you are in favor of or against certain forms of stem cell research, it
cannot be denied that an immense amount of benefits are gained from the research. The
extent of this research is endless. Scientists are only beginning to explore this
technology. However, no research or medical technology is without controversy.
Most of the debate falls between the embryonic stem (ESC) and germ cells
EGC). When a cell is removed from an embryonic cell, the cell will not be able to
survive. Many opponents of stem cell research view this method as the killing an
innocent life. However, both opponents and proponents agree …show more content…
the most ethical sources
of obtaining these cells are from embryos lost by miscarriage of stillbirths. The other two
sources of the ESC or EGC are surrounded in controversy. These sources are from
aborted fetuses and frozen embryos.
There is also debate within the scientific community. In regards to adult stem
cells (ASC), proponents and opponents agree this adult tissue is also an ethical source.
However, scientists argue that the ASC lack in the ability to have multiple uses. The lack
of source data being provided is another issue. At this time, there is limited information
available of where the tissue has been obtained. Researchers are asking for this
information to become more steadily available.
The last controversial issue involves funding. Supporters and adversaries
disagree on the use of federal funding for any projects involving stem cell research.
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However, both agree that public funding through private sources is acceptable. This
issue has come under many debates both in the medical community and in Congress.
The ESC and EGC debate is best stated by Senator Sam Brownback’s testimony
on stem cell research. “We on this panel, I believe, all in this room, believe that an
embryo is alive. The central question remains, is it a life? Or is it a mere piece of
property to be disposed of as its master chooses?” (Wildmoon)
The Controversies surrounding Stem Cell Research
In stem cell research, there are three sources to obtain stem cells. Another …show more content…
Through the fetal tissue in an older embryo, which generate embryonic germ cells. These
Types of cells are seen to have the most potential, due to their versatility. The last source
is through mature tissues, which are adult stem cells.
As previously stated, ESC and EGC must be extracted from an embryo. The least
Controversial method used is from a pregnancy resulting in miscarriage or stillbirth.
Proponents and opponents of stem cell research agree this method is viable. In fact, there
have been no religious groups who have expressed any opposition to this method.
However, scientists argue there is a problem in obtaining healthy cells through either of
these methods. Many miscarriages and stillbirths result from fetal abnormalities. Timing
is also a problem. Most women, who miscarry within the first eight weeks, do not
miscarry while at a hospital or clinic. (AAAS, pg. 13) Therefore, the fetus is unable to be
obtained soon enough, if at all.
Another method of obtaining embryonic stem and germ cells is through embryos
frozen for in vitro fertilization. A couple has the option of donating extra frozen pg iii
embryos to stem cell research. There are firm donation regulations in place at fertility
clinics for embryos. There must be no additional ovulation cycles for the sole purpose of
having embryos to donate to research. The people who work with fertilizing patients
must be separate from those requesting the donation of the embryos. Donors must not be
compensated in any way. Lastly, consent must be given from the couple individually.
The fertilization industry believes these regulations ensure the decision being
made is a sound, well though out one. They also feel if people knew how many embryos
are discarded yearly, it would change many people’s opinion on this method. For
example, over three thousand frozen embryos were mandatorily discarded in 1996. In
addition, approximately 100,000 embryos were unable to be transferred or abandoned.
(AAAS, pg. 14). However by reviewing the graph below you can see that discarded
embryo’s are for the most part in a most humane way. Most of the couples are either
involved in the process or at least give their blessing.
Viewpoints from couples within the in vitro fertilization community vary. Many
Couples do not want to donate their embryos to other couples for several reasons. For
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example, couples, who have completed their families, may not want to donate their
embryos to other couples. Likewise, infertile couples find the possibility of someone else
raising “their child” to be too painful to manage. Others find their donation to research to
be therapeutic; their tireless efforts will be toward the better good of the public.
However, there are many couples who have adopted frozen embryos. They are
the most vocal opposition to the use of embryos from in vitro fertilization. They view the
frozen embryos to be potential children for childless couples everywhere. Many of these
couples have gone in front of Congress to testify against frozen embryo use in research.
The most controversial method is the extraction of cells from aborted fetuses.
discussions on abortions in general have always been heated. The conflict between pro-
life and pro-choice involves the status of an embryo. Each side’s view remains the same
for abortion and this method of cell extraction.
The pro-choice viewpoint is that it is a woman’s right to choose to abort the fetus
and to decide if the embryo will be used for research. Some religious traditions feel that
an embryo gradually becomes a full human being. Therefore, the embryo is not entitled
to the same moral protections in an embryo state. Other traditions feel that, although the
embryo is a human life, the value of saving and preserving other lives now and in the
future is more valuable. Most religious communities welcome the promise for
“enhancing scientific understanding of human development and cellular origin…, more
effective pharmacology, and pursuing successful tissue and organ transplant
technologies.” (AAAS, pg. 8)
The pro-life viewpoint is that an embryo is a life and no one, but God, has the
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right to decide to take that life. Many religious institutions believe that to use and
embryo for anything other than pregnancy is unethical. The most vocal of all religious
groups is the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church, as an institution, opposes ESC and
EGC research of all kinds. Other religious traditions also warn that we are playing God.
They suggest the goals of stem cell research are purely selfish and unnatural. In addition,
they are concerned about the unknown future risks to both those receiving stem cell
transplants and to the long-term effect on society. (AAAS, pg. 8)
In regards to adult stem cells, there hasn’t been any opposition in research using
this less emotional route of obtaining stem cells.
There are less moral and ethical
questions surrounding this research. However, scientists are less enthused about using
these cells. They have shown the adult stem cells lack versatility and many cells to be
used in medical research cannot be found. Further research is being done to develop this
area of stem cell research.
Another concern is amongst researchers. Some researchers are concerned about
their right to know how the stem cell was obtained. Those that are against using stem
cells obtained using certain methods want to be notified the projects they are working on
contains these cells. To many of the researchers, the issue is not the status of the fetus.
However, researchers that oppose using aborted fetuses want the right to choose whether
to continue research on tissues from this source. Researchers also suggest that many
times there is no data from where the stem cells came from.
The last issue of controversy involves federal funding. In August of 2001,
President Bush’s approved federal funding on the existing 60 stem cell lines and
prohibited all public funding to stem cell research. The American Association for the
Advancement of Science and The Institute for Civil Society feels there are many benefits
for research to be federally funded. For example, it is mandatory the researchers share all
information and data with the federal government, other researchers, and to the public.
This also enables the public and government to make certain that the research is being
done in an ethical and legal manner.
Many people, who oppose stem cell research, feel their tax money should not be
used in any type of this research. A representative from the Catholic Church, Dr.
Richard Dorflinger spoke at the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. He stated
that funding by the federal government is “illegal, immoral, and unnecessary.”
(Wildmoon) Others are against any federal funding only if embryo or fetal destruction is
The issue of public funding, however, has the support of those that agree and
disagree with stem cell research. Proponents of stem cell research believe public
funding, through private companies, is seen as a way to make the research available
to the public faster. If companies have an investment in the research, they want to have a
return on their investment in the research, they want to have a return on their investment
back as soon as possible.
Many opponents agree that public funding should be made available to these
projects. However, they want to prohibit the use of federal funding. For example, the
most vocal religious group opposing stem cell research supports public funding. The
Catholic Church feels that there is plenty of private funding available for research
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without putting burden on the government for the “deliberate destruction of embryos.”
To take stem cell research to its full potential there are three issues that need to be
addressed to dissolve the conflict between those that are against or in favor or continued
research. The first is to allow an individual donating or working with the embryo to act
by their personal moral code. The second is for the public to be involved in support for
the promotion and protection of public health and safety. The last issue is to respect
opposing views. (AAAS, pg.v).
Stem cell research would be without most of the current controversy if they were
using only adult stem cells or embryonic stem and germs cells generated from a lost
pregnancy. However, these aren’t practical methods. Adult stem cells are less versatile
and their use is very limited. Miscarriages and still births aren’t practical either due to
fetal abnormalities and timing.
Whether you are for or against the destruction of embryos, it is legal and being
performed both by abortions and discarding of frozen embryos. Until the time when
infertility science is completely efficient, there will inevitably be embryos left. The
embryos will not become a life at either point. Through embryonic stem and germ cell
research, tremendous benefits can come out of a lose-lose situation. Why should other
people die or suffer when these embryos can be used for the lives that will be here?
As best stated by Louis Guenin of Harvard Medical School, “It seems difficult to
deny that relieving wide spread suffering is morally better than destroying embryos at no
gain.” (Waymack)
Chapman, A., Frankel, M., Garfinkel, M. (1999, November). Stem Cell Research and Applications: Monitoring the Frontiers of Biomedical Research. American Association for the Advancement of Science and Institute for Civil Society.
Friend, T. (2001, August 21). Stem-cell talks aim to iron out ethical, legal issues. USA Today, 5D.
Waymack, M. (2001, July 27). Stem cell stirs controversy. National Catholic Reporter. (2002, February 21).
Wildmoon, K.C. (2001). Scientists, senators testify on stem cell research. (2002, February 19).
(1999, December 2). NIH Proposes Stem-Cell Research Guidelines. Maranatha Christian Journal. (2002, March 21).