Before creating a procedure to retrieve the embedded message files within the four graphics I need to determine the different levels at which the message can be hidden. Stenography is the umbrella for many different types of methods to hide messages. The first level consists of two areas: technical stenography and linguistic stenography. The second level consists of two areas under the heading of linguistic stenography: semagrams and open codes. Technical stenography has no sublevels. The third level consists of four sublevels two under the heading of semagrams (visual and text) and two under the heading of open codes (jargon and covered ciphers). The fourth level consists of two ciphers that are found under the subheading of covered ciphers: null and grille. Now that the different levels have been identified it’s time to determine how the information is hidden using these stenographic components (Kessler 2004). Technical stenography is based on the scientific methods of hiding messages with invisible ink or microdots. The smaller the information can be made the harder it will be to find and the easier it is to hide. Linguistic stenography hides messages in the carrier waves and is broken into two additional areas semagrams and open codes. Symbols/signs are the key to using semagrams. Objects that we see every day are used in such a way to convey a hidden message. It can be something as simple as the arrangement on a picture of a dinner table. Text semagram hides messages through the modification of carrier text. Once again the changes are very subtle and if you don’t know what to look for them you will miss it. These enhancements can be font size and font type (Kessler 2004).
Authentic carrier messages can be embedded with open codes that would not be readily detected by the average person. Within this area there are sections known as jargon and covered ciphers. We all know what pig Latin is but not everyone knows how to speak it. This is the
References: Kessler, Gary C. (2004 February). An Overview of Steganography for the Computer Forensics Examiner. Retrieved March 30, 2011, from
Provos, Niels. (2004 September 5). Steganography Detection with Stegdetect. Retrieved March 30, 2011, from (2007). Password Recovery. Retrieved March 30, 2011, from