to oneself.
Telling a white lie depends on the person delivering the lie for whether or not the lie is serious. A white lie is typically a misleading opinion. Sometimes that misleading opinion could lift a burden of unhappiness that person may have had all day long. Ericsson believes telling the truth could inflict more damage than a simple, harmless untruth. It is seen as so harmless that it is used in everyday conversation to deliver a more content message across. The intensity of a white lie being harmful depends on the all the circumstances. As thoughtful as it sounds it is still deceiving someone.
Lying to oneself or being delusional would only stop a person from achieving something greater than what they already have. What would the point of that be? Deceiving oneself to the point where the lie is not a lie anymore but an impression of reality is ridiculous. Being mildly delusional is an act of instinct people use every day. If one was able to comprehend all the dangers and problems that may arise in a single day, he or she might have a hard time concentrating on certain tasks. Living day to day would be almost impossible to get through without lying, to a point paralyzing Ericsson explains. Certain lies create the sense of balance the world lives in today. Any lie to an extreme would be inherently wrong and disastrous to the individual being lied to. Ericsson put very blatantly the fact that “When someone lies, someone loses.” To judge the lie being told would depend on the situation leading up to the reason of lying in the first place. Not every situation is that simple. In all fashion lying may deliver drama to one’s boring life.