of stereotype threat. According to the journal of experimental education, the study stated that “Anyone who cares deeply about the domain tested can be a target of stereotype threat”( Journal of Experimental Education 138).
The research study conducted by Journal of Experimental Education in the form of a scholarly journal article: An Experimental Study of the Effects of Stereotype Threat and Stereotype Lift on Men and Women’s Performance in Mathematics is specifically broken down to properly explain the process that the researchers took to gather the result presented in the article. Based on the scholarly journal article data and research, the null hypothesis; H0 says there is statistical significance between the variables. A student identities and stereotype can impact the students' performances. The alternative hypothesis; H1 say that indeed there is not a statistically significant relationship between the variables. Student identities and stereotype are not related to the student performance.
The study that is analyzed in the scholarly journal is based on effect and lift of stereotype on men's and women’s math performances. “A sample of 458 volunteered to complete the study by responding to a recruitment e-mail message sent out to a random sample of 3,000 e-mail addresses at a large, private university located in the
southwestern United States. Approximately 39% (n = 178) of the sample were men and the remaining 61% (n =280) were women. With regard to ethnicity, approximately 5.6% (n = 26) identified themselves as Native American, whereas 8.9% (n = 41) were Asian American, 9.8% (n = 45) were African American or Black, 10.7% (n = 49) were Hispanic, and 79.9% (n = 366) identified themselves as White. A total of 24 different college majors were represented in the sample. The mean self-reported grade point average was 3.02 (SD=0.82). Age ranged from 18 to 55 years (M= 22.2 years, SD=6.35 years)” ( Journal of Experimental Education 140). Three question were examined to dissect the effect of stereotype threat and lift. These were the following question what is the effect of gender on math test performance controlling for past stereotype threat vulnerability? What is the effect of stereotyping condition of threat, lift, or neither on math test performance controlling for past stereotype threat vulnerability? What is the effect of the interaction of gender and stereotyping condition on math test performance also controlling for past stereotype threat vulnerability? The study conduct was a prospective observational study because the study of math performance is an ongoing study that was tracked from 1997 to 2008. By looking at both journal and media articles I can sense that they are trying to demonstrate that there a cause and effect in the study. But according to Interactive Statistics textbook, it stated that observational studies is an attempt to understanding the cause and effect of a variable but the researcher cannot establish a relationship between either group. They trying to prove that a student's identities can impact the student academic performances.
CCSE research article “ A Matter of Degree” is focused on the promising practice for community colleges student success. The study that is being analyzed in the articles is a wide range of study data to help the student to success, such as the characteristic of community college students, advising, tutoring, orientation and etc. The students who participate in the survey were asked to answer questions regarding if attending orientation, practice before taking the placement test, attended tutor, work part-time or full-time student and anything that involving academic success. This study is a prospective study because it was a student conduct to improve the success rate in the future. Overall, if I were to look at it from a statistic view the article seem to have a reduction in its research data. CCSE article is straight forward and does not walk its' audience through the process it has taken to conduct the research. Meanwhile, they provided the statistic of the population of students interaction. Like whom goes to tutoring, register for class early, taken the placement test, completed orientation and seen counseling for a for advising and planning (CCSE). They lack evidence of success rate to the study of college graduate. advising and planning (CCSE). They lack evidence of success rate to the study of the college graduate.
Among both men and women, there were no statistically significant differences in math test performance according to the no threat or lift condition versus the stereotype lift condition, with the p value = .355 for men and p value= .841 for women. But “this value of Cohen’s indicates a moderate to large effect size (Cohen, 1988). On the basis of this result, it appears that men (M=1.201, SD=0.734) achieved better math test performance than did women (M =0.686, SD=0.724) in the stereotype threat condition” (Journal of Experimental Education 144). According to Cohen the p-value value for stereotype threat indicated that student’s self-identity can impact his or her academic performance. The study design may limit the accuracy of these finding. And Prospective observational study with questionnaires is more precise but is inaccuracy. It's there possible chance of inaccuracy, The limitation in the article may affect the finding of the study accuracy. Limitation mentioned by the article study was the study was a sample measure, middle to upper-class socioeconomic statuses and university student. Interpreting the scholarly journal data and CCSE article I come to the conclusion that it is a type II error because the study is more bias toward the null hypothesis, rejecting the alternative hypothesis. The measure result concluded that there only a difference in the math performance when gender is presented.
CCSE article and scholarly journal are both similar in some way yet there is a difference. Honestly, I enjoy looking at the pie chart from the CCSE article more than reading the scholarly journal. The scholarly journal is also very well explained and easy to follow. The breakdown of the experiment conduct and evidence to back up the study is also fascinating. I prefer if someone is going to research about something or just trying to learn about something new it best to look at a scholarly journal. On the other hand, the article by CCSE contain facts and statistical data being conducted by the community college but there lack explanation about the process of measure such data. The target audiences scholarly journal is to society, everyone in general. The main focus of the journal of experiment is to remove the gap between men and women's math performance and help people have a better idea about stereotype and what we can do to change it. While the CSSE article target is more for community colleges in the studies of improving student success. The article examines the main key to success are planning for success, initiating success, and maintain success. The reliability of the scholarly journal Article is more powerful than the than CCSE research article, because of all the information is more well developed and explain than the media CCSE research article that is straight forward with layout of pie graph and the background information.