
Stereotypes In El Salvador

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Stereotypes In El Salvador
At two years old sitting on my grandma’s bed in a small, cozy house in a little town of El Salvador where I’m from, every morning and afternoon I would be surrounded by a bunch of magazines and newspapers that my grandmother used to read. Hola magazine which talked about the royalty and famous people, Vanidades magazine which was about beauty tips, famous people and fashion, and La Prensa Grafica one of our national newspapers that everyday keeps the people informed with what is happening with government, society, economics, sports, etc, were the ones that kept me entertained almost all day. Although at that age I didn’t know how to read I would grab a magazine or the newspaper and I would stare at the couple fragrance ad page, the fashion …show more content…
I loved when people read to me, I remember when I was three years old and I used to go into my grandfather’s room at one in the afternoon because that was the time he was laying on his bed reading the newspaper; I used to go to the edge of the bed where his feet were and I would give him a message while he read to me. My mom also told me once that every time I saw someone with a paper on their hands I would go up to them and I would ask them what it was and if they could read it to me, it didn’t matter if it was a bill, an article, or a cooking recipe, I just wanted them to read me something, in Spanish of course because that is our official language. Because I was read to from a very young age I acquired the habit and love of reading once I learned to read in first grade in the year …show more content…
The only books I could understand were the ones for elementary kids because of their easy vocabulary. I used to check those out and I always had a dictionary next to me in case I didn’t know something, and when there were times I couldn’t understand anything I used Google translate at home. Those times were difficult for me because I was so used to reading books for my age and books that had a big vocabulary that I just hated reading something that I couldn’t understand but my mom pushed me to do it, she prohibited me to read any Spanish books, at the time I had a book called Lovely Bones, the story about a girl who is murdered and she tells what happened to her, it was in Spanish so my mom got mad at me and ripped it, it made very sad but that also helped me to focus on just reading in English. In 8th grade I had an amazing English teacher who would also make us check out a lot of books, every month we had to read a book and by the end of the month we had to write a summary, a lot of people hated that but I loved it because by then not only I could read in English but I also learned that the more I read

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