In the “Venice Othello” Venice was labeled as the “Virgin City” not because of its people but because they did such a good job at keeping people from invading their country. The military seemed to do a good job securing the perimeter of the area yet Othello gets fooled by the white people. In “ Moors in Elizabethan England” says how the “ “Africans beast- like, lacking in reason, sexually permissive, jealous and gullible” and back in the day the moor were looked down to making them feel less or not worthy of yet making them do all the physical labor because they believe the moor were born to work in those jobs. In No Fear Shakespeare it says “The services I have done for the Venetian government will count for more than his complaints will.” Othello says such thing because with his labor towards the war in Venice is having the government at the moment needs his service so they use him for their own benefit so they won’t lose the war and just because of brabantio's disagreement of desdemona’s marriage they won’t put him in jail just because of that. It also says in the Act I of Othello how his race seemed to show disparaged when he says “I’d never agree to get married and lose my freedom at all” The freedom of Othello seems to be so important to him because as a moor he is put in a very low treatment and it’s hard to get the freedom but very easy to lose …show more content…
As well as minorities get categorized by society or some Americans in America. Having minorities taking up the physical and hard jobs yet they they are being blamed for taking up the jobs lazy Americans don’t want to take.As our former president Donald Trump says “ people coming, you look at the statistics on rape, on crime, on everything coming in illegally into this country”(Donald trump goes after immigrants again, Claming to have the facts)most of the minorities being immigrants or a good percent of the minorities come to this country to be somebody in life but are labeled negatively on their race based on stereotype that exist in this country. He also says “They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists.” (Full text: Donald Trump announces his presidential bid) This is what the president of the United States claims to be act by Mexico and says that’s the cause of why America has become a dumpster for countries because they are sending “criminals,rapists,and drugs” he portrays that people like that are people in the lower class labeling them based on their social class.Yet without the minorities America’s economy would completely fall. Not all minorities are rapist or criminals but they get treated