The argument on whether or not …show more content…
They are described as violent, crass, lazy, dead beat daddies, hot tempered and live off welfare because they have nothing good to do with their lives. As we see, reality TV does not show a wide range of black men educated, athletic, quiet or politically active in government but rather the opposite. Furthermore, there is rarely more than one black male participant on a reality show; no matter the number of races presented. Every day, we are bombarded with images of African Americans women dancing half naked in music videos or prancing around. But when we get to reality TV, it’s even a worse situation. Women are portrayed as loud, fighters, demeaning or other ways that are very unflattering. Our American culture in general teaches that a woman’s worth is directly related to how they look; fostering the belief that we should all look like Barbie dolls. But in reality, it is totally un-lady like. This is not good for society because it gives off the impression to a young girl that this is how they supposed to look or supposed to be. Society doesn’t make the reality of TV shows realistic because they believe that is what people want to see. So they spice it up a little to catch viewer’s attention. Today, yes maybe there are some women out there who are living life as the women in reality TV because believe it or not it is reality. This will also teach other women a lesson that they should go to school and make something good