
Stereotypes Of Being Deaf

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Stereotypes Of Being Deaf
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What does it truly mean to be deaf? Most people just think that they are just people who can't hear, and are seen as outcasts of society. Once someone truly take some time to investigate the culture, they will find that they are more than those people who cannot hear. The deaf have a much different culture and lifestyle, and have a different perspective of the entire world. The deaf have been looked down upon by society for a long time, changing the way they think, and to prove others wrong.Some aspects of life different from hearing and deaf people are their perspective on life, language, and how they are viewed upon by others.
Many people think they truly know what a deaf person thinks and feels, but only the deaf can understand the pain and life of no sound. "When they laugh and I'm unable to understand why, it feels like a punch in the gut, a giant inside joke I'm not part of"(Peter 4). This shows the pain one deaf person actually felt in a workplace, as they were unable to converse properly with their colleagues. Deaf people also would have a difficult time finding love. As David Peter from "Being Deaf: How Different the World Is Without Hearing" had mentioned, a
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Sign language has strongly supported deaf communities, uniting them, helping them understand each other, and communicate in best way possible. Through sign language, deaf people can communicate with each other, expressing their thoughts, views, and beliefs about life. No one form of sign language is universal, and different sign languages are used in different regions. According to "7 Things You Should Know About Sign Language," "American Sign Language (ASL) is quite different from British Sign Language (BSL), despite the fact that English is the spoken language of both countries" (Okrent 3). This means that sign language does not reflect spoken language, and it is

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