The significant recorded history of western architecture starts in ancient Egypt. Numerous of giant scale of figural objects stand along the Fertile Crescent. After Egyptian, around 5th century, the Greek began to construct their own city. When they took a look at what did their Egyptian ancestor did. Some elements were remained, some changes occurred. One of the most condense collections of all the dialects between Egypt and Greece happened in the capital of Greece - Athens, or to be more specifically, Acropolis. “In the latter half of the fifth century the Acropolis at Athens was crowned with buildings which, both individually and collectively as a group, are by common consent regarded as the supreme achievement of classical Greek architecture.”(Taylor, 11)
“the human body derive all measures and their denominations and in it is to be found all and every ratio and proportion by which God reveals the innermost secrets of nature” (Wittkower 25).
It was on the Nile Plain that Egyptians built their dramatic-scaled architecture. Thousands of gigantic pyramids tried to break the peace and the baldness of the wild landscape. They became the upheaval of the ground and mimic the mountains. On the contrary, Greeks had to deal with more complicated and varied landscape. “The Aegean Sea, bounded by the peninsula of Greece on the west, the mountains of Macedonia on the north, and the cost of Anatolia on the east, is studded with numerous islands.” (Fazio, Moffett, Wodehouse 35) The huge-scaled, rough architecture cannot fit within the delicate landscape anymore. People were beginning to seek for new possibilities. Instead of trying to conquer or create the new landscape as the Egyptian did, Greeks stated trying to take advantage of the various landscape. The mountains turned into the tool to emphasize hierarchy, people put the most sacred temples at the top of the city, Acropolis.
The interactions between landscape and architecture become more