In India during the rule of the Buddhist ruler Ashoka, the Great Stupa of Sanchi was commissioned. The Great Stupa was considered to be one of the greatest monasteries patriotisms to Buddhism. Even though it can be dated back to Ashoka’s reign, its consists of many buildings and parts that was made overtime and well beyond the time period of Ashoka. The dome of the stupa is roughly fifty feet high and is filled with earth and rubble. The stupa would hold relics of the Buddha himself where the people of india would come to as a pilgrimage. The people of India would enter through the gateways of the stupa, walk down a path called the lower circumambulation, and climb up the stairs to the secon level to walk the second circumambulation of the stupa. Buddhist ventured the relics of Buddha through circumambulations, which was walking around the stupa in a clockwise manner, following the path of the sun and brining the worshiper into harmony with the universe. The Great Stupa itself had more than six hundred inscriptions showing the donations of hundreds of individuals that made the building of the stupa possible.
Ancient Greece was also known for extravagant temples honoring their Gods. The Acropolis found in Athens is another example of elevation in attempt to get closer to the divinity. The Parthenon was built for