Q. The last three decades has seen a wave of privatization in many developing and underdeveloped country. Privatization of banking sector has been used as a tool to serve many objectives. a. b. c. State any THREE aims of privatization of banking sector in Pakistan. State any THREE benefits that have accrued to the general public as a result of privatization. State any TWO benefits that have accrued to the government as a result of privatization. Define financial repression. Give any FOUR elements of financial repression with local examples.
a. b.
To ensure fair, transparent and efficient Stock Markets in Pakistan, the SECP has implemented various corrective measures after the stock market crises in May 2000. List any five of these measures. What are Treasury bills? State any four main features of T. bills. International interest rates have an impact on the local financial system. State and TWO effects of (i) an increase and (ii) decrease in LIBOR on the local market. What are financial intermediaries? Give examples of FOUR key players in the Pakistani market and state their roles. State any FIVE measures taken by the State Bank to strengthen and stabilize the financial system of Pakistan over the last decade. What is a Negotiable Instrument as per “Negotiable Instrument Act”? List its key attribute/characteristics.
Q. Q.
Give FIVE examples of sources through which a foreign currency account cannot be credited, under SBP regulations. What are mutual funds? Discuss the evolution of mutual funds market in Pakistan giving examples of any three mutual funds launched in Pakistan during the last 10 years. Also comment on their current state in the country and reason for the state. -.-.-.-.-.-