The definition of rape, according …show more content…
There are three kinds of stranger rape: a blitz sexual assault in which the victim has not previously interacted the perpetrator and is quickly and brutally assaulted, usually in public and after dark; a home invasion sexual assault where a stranger forces entry into the victim’s home and commits the assault; and contact sexual assault where the perpetrator makes contact the victim and tries to acquire some level of trust by flirting, coaxing the victim, or trying in any number of ways to pressure or manipulate the victim into a position in which the perpetrator can sexually assault them. Acquaintance rape, also known as date rape, occurs when the rape is committed by somebody the victim knows, whether it is a date, a classmate, a neighbor, a friend, a friend’s significant other, or any other person. There is a common and incorrect belief that being raped by someone you know is not as legitimate, criminal, or traumatic as being raped by a stranger. Sometimes, people even say it isn’t “real” rape. These are all misconceptions. Acquaintance rape is just as serious as stranger rape, and has effects that are just as devastating, if not more so, because many of the people raped by an acquaintance have a harder time believing that they were actually raped. Instead of blaming the rapist, they often blame themselves. A large number of rape victims don’t report rape or sexual assaults, and are even less likely to report this …show more content…
The government not only acknowledged this but also implemented federal antidiscrimination laws to ensure that students have equal access to education, no matter what their gender identity or expression is. This places a responsibility on schools to prevent sexual violence, and respond to any reports they may receive. This is no replacement for going to the police, but it does provide an avenue for survivors to access options within the realm of civil rights, as opposed to criminal law (Why Schools Handle Sexual Violence Reports, 2016)6. Title IX is the “landmark federal civil right that prohibits sex discrimination in education” (Title IX: The Basics, 2016)7. It addresses students who are in situations where they face discrimination because of their gender, for example students who are pregnant or parenting, women in STEM programs, any form of discrimination based on gender, and sexual harassment and violence. Every university must continuously take action to ensure sex discrimination is prevented on their campuses. The school must have specific, established plans of action to investigate complaints of gender discrimination, sexual harassment, or sexual violence. When faced with a complaint, the school must act immediately to make sure the victim can continue with their classes, without any facing any continuing gender discrimination, sexual