Title IX states that discrimination based on gender is prohibited in educational programs that receive federal funding. This is part of the Education Amendment of 1972. Since then the involvement of women in sports has dramatically increased. When Title IX was first enacted, it only applied to certain programs. It wasn’t until later that “Congress restored institution-wide coverage with the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987” (Francisa, 2016). This was a huge step towards equality for all genders. “Title IX is to help make University environments safer for students, faculty and staff from cases of “sexual discrimination, sexual harassment, and sexual violence, relationship violence and stalking” (Rollock, 2014). This is done by doing surveys to understand the severity of the situation and making new education requirements.
Areas Title IX Applies: Sports Title IX allows for gender specific teams …show more content…
“Title IX lays out procedural safeguards for universities to follow to ensure victim protection, and it shifts responsibility to the university to create a discrimination-free environment” (Rameshwar, 2015). Sexual assaults in the past were very rarely reported with few things set in place to promote prevention. With the help if the Title IX amendment, sexual assault of any form is more easily prevented. For example “the Barack Obama Administration created a White House Task Force to combat campus sexual assault. As its first step, the Task Force plans to introduce legislation that will require universities to conduct Climate Surveys, which will be used to assess the extent and environment of sexual assault on college campuses” (Rameshwar, 2015). The point of these surveys is to better understand sexual assault on college campuses. Very few assaults are reported compared to the amount that they occur. These surveys will let students anonymously report their