Welcome to a course:
This document describes the contents and structure of the course Strategic. It is important that you read it carefully, as it will guide you through the different parts of the course and hopefully answer most of your questions. The document also indicates what we expect from you in the course, and what you can expect in return from us.
Text Book:
• White McCarthy - Strategic Management latest edition Palgrave Macmilllan Publisher 2009
Reference Book: • Strategic Management Concepts and Cases by Fred R David 9th Edition • Pettinger - Contemporary Strategic Management (2010) 2nd edition
Course Overview and Objectives:
Strategic management is a capstone, integrative course for graduating business students. This is an exciting challenging course that focuses on how firms formulate, implement, and evaluate strategies. Strategic management concepts and techniques are studied. Students use all the knowledge acquired from prior business courses, coupled with new strategic-management techniques learned, to chart the future direction of different organizations. The major responsibility of students in this course is to make objective strategic decisions and to justify them through oral and written communication.
Pre-requisites: Principles of Management/Human Resource Management
Grading Policy:- In- Semester Evaluation (Exam): 30% In-Semester Evaluation (Quizzes, Assignments, Presentations): 20% End Semester Evaluation: 50%
Week-wise Breakdown
|Week |Contents |Chapter |
|1 |Introducing Strategic Management, Introducing strategy and strategy making, What is strategy?, A |1 |
| |brief history of the