Submitted By:
Moiz Ahmed
AHM 07396643
Submitted to :
Anthony Henry, Martin Brown
Martin Bowles
In today’s world the complexities in business are increasing day by day and due to the torrential amount of uncertainty and change taking place it is becoming far more difficult for the companies to gain edge over their competitors. According to Robert Pitts and David Lei Strategies are ideas and plans that help the firms to become effective and gain competitive advantage over their rivals (Pitts, R. & Lei, D. 2003). Robert grant a leading professor of Management states that “Strategy is not a detailed plan or program of instructions; it is unifying theme that gives coherence and direction to the actions and decisions of an individual or an organization” (Grant, R. 2005)
It is very important for the managers of the organizations to understand the changing nature of the competitive environment and dynamic complexities of it in order to cope with the uncertainties. According to Henry Mintzberg unplanned strategies often have a high rate of success than planned strategies (Hill, C. & Jones, G. 2004).
(Pitts, R. & Lei, D. 2003) “A process which is designed to achieve firm’s vision and mission is known as Strategic Management process” and it is very important to understand the dynamic nature of these processes because mostly they are unplanned. These processes covers four important things about strategy i.e. Analysis, Formulation, Evaluation and Implementation.
Strategic Management can be categorized into two different approaches the traditional approach which means doing things in a linear manner in which various tools and techniques are used to make decisions to achieve competitive advantage and the dynamic approach refers to the organization itself which comprises of shadow and other factors that
Bibliography: Brown, M. (2008) The way we do things around here: Change and organizational culture. MSc Management and Marketing, BCU, 19th February 2008 [Lecture Notes taken by Ahmed, M.] Bowles, M Henry, A. (2008) The General Environment. MSc Management and Marketing, BCU, 22nd January 2008. [pic] -----------------------