The purpose of the strategic planning is to find ways in which the company can best use its strengths to take advantage of the opportunities in the environment.
For long run survival and growth, companywide strategic planning is done which involves defining a company’s mission, setting companies goals and objectives, designing the business portfolio, planning other functional strategies. Marketing Strategies and programs operate within the broader strategic plans of the company. Guided by the company strategic planning, the marketers manage the marketing system. The management process consists of:-
Analyzing: Provides review of the company present situation.
Planning: Setting of the goals and strategies and tactics to reach the objectives.
Implementing: Actual operation of the strategies to reach the goal
Performance Evaluation: Evaluation of performance in light of organizational and marketing goals.
So, in this way the marketing department aligns its goals with the organizational goals and by developing partnering relationship, works closely with others inside and outside the firm to form a competitive superior value delivery network to serve customers.
Marketing's Role in Strategic Planning
Marketing plays a key role in the company's strategic planning in several ways. Marketing provides a guiding philosophy company strategy should revolve around serving the needs of important consumer groups.
marketing provides inputs to strategic planners by helping to identify attractive market opportunities and by assessing the firm's potential to take advantage of them.
within individual business units, marketing designs strategies for reaching the unit's objectives.
Strategic Marketing Planning
Strategic Planning is the managerial process of matching an organization’s resources with its marketing opportunities.
Strategic Marketing Planning is the process of finding the best marketing strategy that helps in