Arguelles, Lizdel Angela
Mayuga, Marnely Rlet M.
Sarmiento, Abigail L.
Strategy Evaluation and Control
This unit deals with the last phase of strategic management. The formulation of strategy lays down the strategic intent and the strategy required to achieve them. The end result is adjustment of strategies reformulation of objectives or adoption of plans.
Strategic evaluation and control is the process of determining the effectiveness of a given strategy in achieving the organizational objectives and taking corrective action wherever required
‘Evaluation of strategy is that phase of the strategic management process in which the top managers determine whether their strategic choice as implemented is meeting the objectives of the enterprise.’ -GLUECK &JAUCH
Strategic evaluation is to monitor and evaluate progress towards organizations objectives and to guide or correct the process or change the strategic plan to better accord with current condition and purposes.
Strategic controls take into account the changing assumptions that determine a strategy, continually evaluate the strategy as it is being implemented, and take the necessary steps to adjust the strategy to the new requirements.
In this manner, strategic controls are early warning systems and differ from post-action controls which evaluate only after the implementation has been completed.
The types of strategic controls are:
Premise control
Implementation control
Strategic surveillance
Special alert control
Premise Control
Premise control is necessary to identify the key assumptions, and keep track of any change in them so as to assess their impact on strategy and its implementation.
Premise control serves the purpose of continually testing the assumptions to find out whether they are still valid or not.
This enables the strategists to take corrective action at the right time rather than continuing with a strategy which is based on