The back ground is retail industry Debenhams plc
Task 1
The globalization has huge impact on the attitude and behaviour of the customers, clients and consumers as they want more quality high brand, goods and services at compatible prices. Firms compete for customers, and management formulate strategic plans to enhance the quality, brand strength and brand image of goods and services to achieve organizational goals and objectives and to achieve sustainable competitive advantage. Organizations want to have innovative creative, challenging, and strategic work force which formulate strategic plans establish goals and objectives obtain, allocate, distribute and utilize scarce resources in the best possible manner to achieve goals and objectives effectively and create brand image, brand loyalty through enhancement in the quality of goods and services and achieve sustainable competitive advantage and create value for all the stakeholders. The managers have to anticipate the changing needs of the customers through effective market, customers, competitors, and internal external environment analysis, and formulate strategies to achieve strategic targets through quality enhancement of goods and services meeting the changing needs and wants of the customers.
Strategic planning is the process of matching organizational resources and competences against desired organizational targets through external and internal environment analysis, competitors’ analysis, market analysis, market trends, and form strategies to achieve goals and objectives and create value for the shareholders, company and for all the stakeholders. The strategic planning is a continuous process and managers consistently review strategy and form contingency plans to achieve the strategic goals and objectives of the organization. Debenhams is highly focused and committed to produce quality goods and services to its customers, and create value for all the stakeholders through
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