A matter of neatness and trust
A qualitative study of local practices and perceptions of food quality, food hygiene and food safety in urban Kumasi, Ghana.
Thesis by Thilde Rheinländer, MSc. Student of Public Health
Institute of Public Health Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Submitted December 2006
Academic supervisors:
Mrs. Helle Samuelsen (Main supervisor)
Associate Professor, Department of International Health
University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Mr. Phillip Adongo (second supervisor)
Population Health Officer,
Navrongo Health Research Centre, Ghana
The thesis contains 222.199 characters excl. references and annexes approximating 92.6 pages of each 2400 characters.
Thesis by Stud. Scient. San. Publ. Thilde Rheinländer
University of Copenhagen, Institute of Public Health
Abstract .............................................................................................................................................................. 3
Acronyms............................................................................................................................................................ 4
Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................................................ 5
Introduction: Understanding multidimensional aspects of street food quality ........................................... 6
Study objectives ................................................................................................................................................. 7
Research Methods ............................................................................................................................................. 8
Data collection in general
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